Sunil Kumar Aledia
National Convenor
National Forum for Homeless Housing Rights-NFHHR
Centre for Holistic Development-CHD
Phone:- +91-9811327037

About Sunil Kumar Aledia
Sunil Kumar Aledia has been working for the upliftment of the homeless people since 2000. He started his career as a volunteer working with non-governmental organistions, which aimed at providing basic facilities to destitutes in Delhi. After many years of selfless service to the most ignored section of the society, he started an NGO -- Centre for Holistic Development-CHD. Currently, he is the Executive Director of Centre for Holistic Development-CHD, and National Convenor of National Forum for Homeless Housing Rights-NFHHR.
Mr Aledia has been making policy makers aware of the issues of the homeless people (Behgar) via filing petitions in the Delhi High Court and Supreme Court. The PILs aim at providing the destitutes their rights as the citizens of Delhi. With the efforts of the Centre for Holistic Development, many homeless people got their voter ID cards and they exercised their right to vote in the Delhi Assembly as well as general elections.
While the 2011 census revealed that there were 46,724 homeless people in the city, a 2010 survey financed by the UNDP found 55,955 destitutes. As per the data collated by the Centre for Holistic Development, there are over 1.5 lakh homeless people fending for themselves on the streets of Delhi. The NGO argues that adequate housing and sustainable livelihood for the homeless should be included as a top priority in the overall urban development plans of the state governments. A state needs to stop criminalising the homeless and provide them a place where they can legally and safely go to sleep and meet their basic needs, says Mr Aledia.
Mr Aledia is regarded by homeless population in Delhi as "bade bhai". He personally knows each one of them.
The Centre for Holistic Development-CHD has also been involved in analysing government policies and preparing ground reports so as to better implement such and utilise their potential to the fullest.
In 2015, the Centre for Holistic Development-CHD made sure that the "World Homeless Day" on 10th October 2015 was celebrated across India. The NGO contacted activists in different cities from almost every state from Delhi to Amabala, Patna, Mandi, Mumbai, Cochin etc, and asked them to carry out a 'Homeless March' to mark the World Homeless Day.
In the past – years Sunil has been involved with work in and around the issues of homelessness and urban poverty. Some of the work has been listed below:
2002 - 2005
My Photo
Volunteering Experience
Apart from the above work experience and varied volunteering experience Sunil is an active member of various organizations, networks and movements like the Pension Parishad, SAM-BKS (Shahri Adhikar Manch - Begharon Ke Saath), NFHR (National Forum for Housing Rights), Waada Na Todo Network and NALR (National Association for Labour Rights), Right to Sanitation Campaign in India, Jan Ghoshna Patr for the Homeless (Manifesto-2014).
Sunil Kumar Aledia currently works as the Executive Director, General Secretary of CHD. The job includes complete management of the organization and shaping and directing its work, work ethics and ideologies. Sunil organizes and conducts night vigils with his team on a regular basis spanning the homeless population all over Delhi. He is also in charge of various programs under the organization and the overall functioning of the organization.
In the past – years Sunil has been involved with work in and around the issues of homelessness and urban poverty. Editor and Manager of Paanchvi Disha weekly newspaper (1997-2000), Pravah, New Delhi, Translator/HR Exe./Consultant/Volunteer (1999-2006), Executive Director of Jan Udaar Sewa Samiti (2000-2007), Multiple Action Research Group (MARG) as Facilitator, Program Coordinator, Trainer for youth groups on legal aid (2002 – 2005), Editor and owner of Abhi India weekly newspaper (2004-2009), USAID INDIA PSP-One, New Delhi - Research Consultant for Condom Bindas Bol Program (Condom Promotion Campaign in India-2006-2007), Concerned Action Now, Evaluator for Supported Guardianship Program (SGS) Scheme, Khozikode, Kerala, Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment, Government of India (2007), UNDP homeless survey (2010), Worked for Census, Government of India (2010), Worked with project UID (2010). 2011 – till date – working as head and treasurer of CHD.
Apart from the above work experience and varied volunteering experience Sunil is an active member of various organizations, networks and movements like the Pension Parishad, SAM-BKS (Shahri Adhikar Manch - Begharon Ke Saath), NFHR (National Forum for Housing Rights), Waada Na Todo Network and NALR (National Association for Labour Rights), Right to Sanitation Campaign in India, Jan Ghoshna Patr for the Homeless (Manifesto-2014).